New Parents to Learning Is The Way
First off, welcome to Learning Is The Way. We are dedicated to helping your child succeed, thrive, and grow comfortably and happily. Our educational programs utilize Common Core State Standards because we work with children in other states. We combine the United States Department of Education Common Core Standards to apply for any state within the United States of America. Students who apply outside of the US will still receive educational help and assistance. However, we understand that our educators are only trained in skills from the US Department of Education and, unfortunately, not with other education departments in foreign countries.
We offer many student programs, including tutoring, seasonal enrichment camps, peer counseling, special education adaptations, and more.
LTW Method
Learning is the Way is one of the most reasonably priced education management and tutoring organizations in the state of California.
No taxes will be applied as we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
We utilize the United States Department of Education common core state standards as our basis for our educational assistance and teachings.
Our organization takes tutoring to a whole new level. First off, we don’t just provide tutoring. We have enrichment seasonal camps and much more, helping minors and adults, seniors, people experiencing homelessness, and more. Our staff are all relatively young, in their late teens and early adulthood. We’ve found and proven that children connect better with people closer to their age. We have special education adaptations and the addition of psychological health and well-being into the account of schooling as well. School is hard, but we're here to make it easy. Life is hard, and we're here to make it simpler. If you want a simple education and an easy life, sign up or contact us today.
about payments
Our focus is not on your wallets but on your children. All the money paid to Learning Is The Way is put back into our program, allowing us to provide more supplies, technology, and services to help your child. You can see the exact prices for services under the services page. You can pay online, in person, over the phone, through checks, or even through certain apps you can download. We are a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Education Management organization, meaning every time you pay through us, it will not bring you any extra charge of taxes when that god-favored season appears; now, that's when people's wallets get drained. Luckily, working with us, that'll happen less :)
Required forms
General registration
Register for the programs your searching to be a part of or for your child. You can find all initial registration paperwork online or in person via hard copy.
Immunization records
We do require the common school immunization record form. Our organization does not require the COVID-19 vaccine to be taken.
All forms will be included in the parent guidebook handed out upon general registration process!
General medical profile
Fill out general medical information on yourself or your child, forms found online or can be found in person.
Medication administration
If your child has a medication they need to take at a specific time, please request the medication administration authorization form, also found on this site.
Release forms
An FERPA, HIPAA, and photo release form will be issued. The Ferpa request allows us to communicate with teachers and educational personnel from your child’s school and access their files. The HIPAA release will enable us to communicate with doctors, which is applicable in certain cases. The photo release is optional, handed to you if you do allow your child to be in public photos, not required.
Terms of service
Finally you’ll fill out the main terms of service. found here on the site and or retrievable in person.
Printable forms
We’ve highlighted certain parts on some of the forms. only fill out the highlighted sections.
Staff contact
Taylor morrison - executive director & SPED Specialist
Email: tmorrison@learningistheway.org Phone: 619-323-1033
Mykenzea presley - assistant executive director
email: mpresley@learningistheway.org Phone: 619-323-1033
Louis gorzik - lead educator and camp coordinator
email: lgorzik@learningistheway.org phone: 619-323-1033