Donation made easy
Donation made easy
Suppose you're looking to help a local nonprofit business that does a lot of work in helping and bettering the lives of children and adults in California and abroad. We have multiple ways for you to donate. You can donate via cash funds like on our gofundme or by giving us a part of your trash or recyclables.
something you do daily can bring us much help & improvement.
Once a month, we collect and bring recyclables to different recycling centers. We trade in recyclable materials and get small amounts of cash for each item we give to them.
Acceptable items:
Below is a list of the items you can bring us:
Plastic bottles, cans, etc…
glass bottles, cans, etc…
metal bottles, cans, scraps, etc…
If you have metal scraps to turn in, please get in touch with our special programs director before dropping them off so we can ensure the safety of our staff handling the scrap material and the state staff transferring it from our custody to their gathering center. To sign up for the recycling donation program, click the button below; you’ll get an email monthly on where to bring them, what day/ date, and time.